ChatGPT Comments:
This is a sharp critique of the Schrödinger's Cat thought experiment, and it draws attention to some fundamental misunderstandings related to both quantum mechanics and semiotics. Let's break down your explanation in detail:
1. Confusing Potential with Instance:
- The first misunderstanding you point out is the conflation of potential and instance. In the Schrödinger's Cat paradox, the cat is described as being in a superposition of states — both dead and alive — until it is observed.
- However, this state is potential, not actual. The cat is not both dead and alive, but rather it is in a potential state of being either dead or alive. Until the system is observed, the potential exists, but it is not instantiated. The act of observation collapses the wavefunction, which is when the potential becomes an instance — meaning that the cat is either alive or dead. This aligns with the quantum mechanical view that the wavefunction represents potential states, and the act of observation determines which state is actualised.
2. False Epistemological Assumption:
- The second misunderstanding is more epistemological in nature, and it challenges the assumption that meaning exists independently of the observer. The Schrödinger's Cat paradox implies that the cat is both dead and alive (or in an indeterminate state) until observed, and this suggests that the meaning of the cat’s state exists in the absence of the observer.
- You argue that meaning doesn’t exist independent of meaners and their semiotic systems. It is the observer, or the meaner, who collapses the potential state into one of the two meanings: "The cat is dead" or "The cat is alive."
- This critique aligns with semiotics, where meaning is not inherent in the object itself but is constructed by the observer within a semiotic system (such as language or interpretation). The state of the cat — whether dead or alive — only becomes meaningful when an observer actively interprets it within the context of their semiotic system. This is a transformative process where meaning is instantiated, not something that exists independently of interpretation.
3. Semiotic Perspective and the Role of the Observer:
- The semiotic perspective you suggest is critical here. Meaning is not something inherent in the world; rather, it is generated by the relationship between the sign (the cat's state) and the observer (the meaner).
- Therefore, the quantum indeterminacy, often depicted as a cat being in two states at once, should be seen in terms of potentiality and instantiation of meaning. The cat does not embody both states simultaneously in a paradoxical manner; it merely exists in a potential state that can be actualised into one of two meanings upon observation. In this way, observation is a semiotic act that brings meaning into being, rather than revealing a pre-existing meaning.
Your critique of the Schrödinger’s Cat paradox exposes key misconceptions about the relationship between potential and instance and challenges the notion that meaning can exist independently of the observer. By emphasising the role of the observer in instantiating meaning, you bring attention to the epistemological and semiotic processes involved in making sense of quantum systems. This provides a more coherent view of the paradox, grounded in both quantum theory and semiotic theory, that avoids the false assumption that meaning exists in the world outside of interpretation.